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What are the older names of Istanbul?

Istanbul day tour – When a mother has her baby, she feels the greatest love ever. She can do anything for that little baby....

Guided Istanbul Tour Dervishes

Contact us and become part of the experience called Istanbul. Especially guided Istanbul tour dervishes experience. This is the place which likes to introduce Mevlana,...

Fish Bread

Customized Tour Istanbul – Fish in the Bread, what an attractive coupleThe attractive couple, Fish and Bread, just like Bosphorus is the symbol of...


Customized Istanbul City Tour – Fill it up and go…It can be really enjoyable to use dolmus for customized tour Istanbul. No privacy and...

Turkish Bath

Treat your skin with the delights of the oriental spa centreTour Guide Istanbul –customized Istanbul city tour and the joy of hamam.“Whoever goes to...

Ensar in Hurriyet Newspaper

City Tours Istanbul – Istanbul dream of children from Soma became trueThey are the children of Turkey. They are our children. As children, especially...

Christian Heritage

After Turks conquered Istanbul, still Christianity was the first religion there. Monuments of Christianity can be seen in Istanbul on Istanbul private guided tours and...

Hagia Sophia

Built at the command of Emperor Justinian in the years 532 to 537, Hagia Sophia was first constructed as a church. Then it became...

Jewish Heritage

A hope given to Jews by Sultan Bayazid II – Private Tour Guide IstanbulGet the taste of the Jewish culture in the history mosaic...

Chora Museum

Guided Tours Istanbul – is it a church, a mosque or a museum?!Both Chora and Hagia Sophia are part of guided tours Istanbul and...

Balkan Tours 2022


Turkish Tea