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John of Damascus part 3

Either, therefore, take away images altogether and be out of harmony with God ,who made these regulations, or receive them with the language and in the manner which befits them. In speaking of the...

John of Damascus part 19

We notice, however, in the first centuries a certain reluctance to express the pain and humiliation of the Passion of Christ. Whether to spare the susceptibility of new converts, or as a natural reaction...

Bulgarian Coast

A small town with big `heart` ready to welcome everybody, who love beauty, on their holidays to Bulgarian coastSozopol – a city with soulA small town which attracts with its picturesque sunsets, the coziness...

John of Damascus part 4

As it was answered to Moses, when he was to finish the tabernacle: “See” (He says), “that thou make all things according to the pattern which was shown thee on the Mount.” But the...

John of Damascus part 20

Although representations of the Crucifixion do not occur till later, the cross, as the symbol of Christianity, dates from the very beginning. Justin Martyr (d. 165) describes it in a way that already implies...

Coastal Bulgaria Tours

Discover BurgasCoastal Bulgaria Tours Day 1This time we suggest that our coastal Bulgaria tours begin from Burgas instead of Sofia. (daily tour Sofia) The second biggest on the Bulgarian coast, after Varna, Burgas is...

John of Damascus part 5

From The Fount of WisdomBut since some find fault with us for worshipping and honouring the image of our Saviour and that of our Lady, and those, too, of the rest of the saints...

John of Damascus part 21

People prayed with extended arms to represent a cross (Origen, “Hom. in Exod.”, iii, 3, Tertullian, “de Orat.”, 14). So also to make the sign of the cross over a person or thing became...

Bulgarian Monasteries

Customized Tours Bulgaria Day 1Let your customized tours Bulgaria start. On that first day of tours Bulgaria we travel to the Rila Monastery. It is not far from the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, which...

John of Damascus part 6

Often, doubtless, when we have not the Lord’s passion in mind and see the image of Christ’s crucifixion, His saving passion is brought back to remembrance, and we fall down and worship not the...

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