Antiochus Strategos part 18
In the valley there is a church of our Lady andl the church is her tomb (not that her body lies at rest there,...
Antiochus Strategos part 19
After praying there, they departed and care to a large town called Thecua: this is the place where the Holy Innocents were slaughtered by...
Antiochus Strategos part 20
The remains of the church of St. George, who was said to have been born there, are still to be seen: they have been...
Antiochus Strategos part 21
Then they travelled across a wide plain covered with Olive trees, and with them travelled an Ethiopian and his two camels, who led a...
Antiochus Strategos part 22
They were there for a long time waiting for a ship to get ready. Afterwards they sailed during the whole of the winter, from...
Antiochus Strategos part 23
Embarking once more, they came to a city called Naples and remained there several days. It is the seat of an archbishop whose dignity...
Antiochus Strategos part 24
After this, a priest who came from Spain to St. Benedict’s and stayed there asked permission of Abbot Petronax to go to Rome. When...
Antiochus Strategos part 27
Willibald and Mother Church, like a hen that cherishes her offspring beneath her wings, won over many adoptive sons to the Lord, protecting them...
War with the Scyths part 1
War with the Scyths (1087-90)I at the approach of spring Tzelgu (the supreme commander of the Scythian army) crossed the passes above the Danube...
War with the Scyths part 2
II In this manner, then, the Scythians were driven out from the districts round Macedonia and Philippopolis, but they returned and encamped beside the...