
Antiochus Strategos part 18

In the valley there is a church of our Lady andl the church is her tomb (not that her body lies at rest there, but as a memorial to her). After praying there, he...

Antiochus Strategos part 3

How many souls were slain in the reservoir of Mamel! How many perished of hunger and thirst! How many priests and monks were massacred by the sword! How many infants were crushed under foot,...

Antiochus Strategos part 4

His notices of the Holy Places at Jerusalem, however, are of the highest interest, and some of them are of great archaeological value. Among these, special attention may be called to his references to...

Antiochus Strategos part 5

I know that it may seem very bold on my part to write this book when there are so many holy priests capable of doing beter, but as a humble relative I would like...

Antiochus Strategos part 6

There before the cross they laid him. Then they began earnestly to implore God, the Maker of all things, to bring them consolation and to save their son’s life. And in their prayers they...

War with the Scyths part 13

The Comans returned, fully prepared for war with the Scythians, but not finding them and learning that they had come over the passes, occupied Marcella and after arranging terms of peace with the Emperor,...

Antiochus Strategos part 7

Next he began to inquire how he could put these ideas into effect so that he could despise and renounce the fleeting pleasures of this world and forsake not merely the temporal riches of...

War with the Scyths part 14

Overcome by this unforeseen disaster, the father beat his breast for three days and nights with a sling-stone and then died. The interval of peace with the Scythians did not last long, but like...

Antiochus Strategos part 8

It would be cruel, and unchristian, he said, to deprive them of his protection and to leave them at the mercy of others. Then the soldier of Christ repeated his solernn exhortations and his...

War with the Scyths part 15

Thereupon, as he knew they set out on foraging expeditions at daybreak, he sent for Taticius (he has often been mentioned in this history) and bade him take the most courageous of the youths...

Shining the Gems


Brother of Bata


Bosphorus Tours


Miguel Angel Jimenez