
Two Miracles part 3

She had made her will in favor of the Church of the Miracles, and day and night besought the merciful Madonna to give her peace, but, as always, in vain.Eighteen months after the lamentable...

King Rhampsinitus and the Thief 1

Herodotus (484—424 B.C.)Herodotus, the Father of History, is celebrated as a teller of tales. These he introduced into his History partly for purposes of elucidation and example, but partly also because he enjoyed writing...

True Relation of the Apparition of One Mrs Veal part 7

Mrs. Bargrave never varies in her story, which puzzles those who doubt of the truth, or are unwilling to believe it. A servant in the neighbor`s yard adjoining to Mrs. Bargrave`s house heard her...

Two Miracles part 4

In contrast with all this solemnity, the frivolous minded were indulging in one of their native dances, the “duru-duru,” on the opposite side of the square. The merriment was at its height in spite...

The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse 1

Jesop (6th Century, B.C.?)Jesop was “not a poet,” says Gilbert Murray, “but the legendary author of a particular type of story.” This type is known as the Beast Fable, a brief incident related in...

True Relation of the Apparition of One Mrs Veal part 8

And Mrs. Veal`s often drawing her hands over her eyes, and asking Mrs. Bargrave whether her fits had not impaired her, looks to me as if she did it on purpose to remind Mrs....

Two Miracles part 5

The mass began. Every one arose. The heat was intense, and the anticipation of the approaching ceremony held all spellbound.Batora alone was not absorbed by it. Her face was white and her eyes feverish,...

War with the Scyths part 18

Tzachas opened the conversation, addressing the other by name, and said, “I must tell you that I am the young man who many years ago overran Asia and though fighting bravely was trapped through...

Horatius at the Bridge 1

Ancient RomeIt is a commonplace of literary history that Roman art was largely imitated or derived from the Greek, and in particular that Roman literature contributed little to the world`s store of masterpieces. Yet...

Maese Pfirez the Organist part 1

Gustavo Adolfo Becquer (1836—1870)A native of Seville, Becquer ran away from home while still a boy, and went to Madrid, where for many years he led a life of poverty. His entire life’ indeed...

Specifics Kargi cloth


Grand Bazaar