Koptos Harpokrates


    “We returned back to Koptos the same day, and made a feast before Isis of Koptos and Harpokrates. We then went to the haven and sailed, and went northward of Koptos. And as we went on Thoth discovered all that Na.nefer.ka.ptah had done with the book; and Thoth hastened to tell Ra, and said, `Now know that my book and my revelation are with Na.nefer.ka.ptah, son of the King Mer.neb.ptah.

    He has forced himself into my place, and robbed it, and seized my box with the writings, and killed my guards who protected it.` And Ra replied to him, lie is before you; take him and all his kin.` He sent a power from heaven with the command, `Do not let Na.nefer.ka.ptah return safe to Memphis with all his kin.`

    And after this hour, the little boy Merab, going out from the awning of the royal boat, fell into the river: he called on Ra, and everybody who was on the bank raised a cry. Na. nefer.ka.ptah went out of the cabin, and read the spell over him; he brought his body up because a divine power brought him to the surface. He read another spell over him, and made him tell of all that happened to him, and of what Thoth had said before Ra.

    Good House

    “We turned back with him to Koptos. We brought him to the Good House, we fetched the people to him, and made one embalm him; and we buried him in his coffin in the cemetery of Koptos like a great and noble person.

    “And Na.nefer.ka.ptah, my brother, said: `Let us go down, let us not delay, for the King has not yet heard of what has happened to him, and his heart will be sad about it.` So we went to the haven, we sailed, and did not stay to the north of Koptos. When we were come to the place where the little boy Merab had fallen into the water, I went out from the awning of the royal boat, and I fell into the river.

    They called Na.nefer.ka.ptah, and he came out from the cabin of the royal boat; he read a spell over me, and brought my body up, because a divine power brought me to the surface. He drew me out, read the spell over me, and made me tell him of all that had happened to me, and of what Thoth had said before Ra. Then he turned back with me to Koptos, he brought me to the Good House, he fetched the people to me, and made one embalm me, as great and noble people are buried, and laid me in the tomb where Merab my young child was.

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