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Vitosha Bulgaria Private Tours

Vitosha Bulgaria private toursDoesn’t Vitosha Bulgaria private tours sound like a flying carpet to you? One that likes to take you on an imaginary journey around the mountain Vitosha. This is the fourth highest...

Borovets Bulgaria Tours

The comfort to be with family and friendsBorovets Bulgaria tours, Borovets – the closest to the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia and the biggest interntional mountain resort in the country. The resort is only 70...

Rila Lakes Bulgaria Tours

Seven Rila lakes Bulgaria toursMagic and love are everywhere in Bulgaria. Everywhere you look around. Everywhere you go, you see and feel them. The seven Rila lakes Bulgaria tours are no exception. The Rila...

Balkan tours 2018

Balkan Peninsula is among the most visited regions in the world. With Balkan Tours 2018 you will discover the modern and elite today and at the same time feel the mystic scent of history in...

War with the Scyths part 17

But Tzachas pursued him systematically and did not slacken in rowing. When they approached Chios, Opus managed to anchor his ships first in the harbour of Chios (Dalassenus had before this gained control of...

War with the Scyths part 16

However Tzachas thought Methymna was beneath consideration, but sailed direct to Chios and took that also at first assault. On receipt of this news the Emperor sent an adequate fleet with plenty of soldiers...

War with the Scyths part 15

Thereupon, as he knew they set out on foraging expeditions at daybreak, he sent for Taticius (he has often been mentioned in this history) and bade him take the most courageous of the youths...

War with the Scyths part 14

Overcome by this unforeseen disaster, the father beat his breast for three days and nights with a sling-stone and then died. The interval of peace with the Scythians did not last long, but like...

War with the Scyths part 13

The Comans returned, fully prepared for war with the Scythians, but not finding them and learning that they had come over the passes, occupied Marcella and after arranging terms of peace with the Emperor,...

War with the Scyths part 9

After saying this and encouraging the others, he was the first to dash like a firebrand upon the Scythians and struck at the first who encountered him, and the latter straightway rolled from his...

Bata Egypt