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The Pious Lady and the Gray Friar part 3

“Sir,” replied the worthy woman, “I look upon what you tell me as of great advantage to myself, for I shall at least have by me what I most desire in the world.”Thereupon the...

The Pious Lady and the Gray Friar part 2

After she had earnestly begged him to choose for her daughter such a husband as he knew a woman that loved God and her honor ought to desire, he replied that first of all...

The Pious Lady and the Gray Friar part 1

Marguerite de Navarre (1492-1549)Marguerite d`Angouleme, daughter of the Due d`Angouleme and sister of Francois I, was the second wife of the King of Navarre, and grandmother of Henry IV of France. A woman of...

Two Miracles part 6

At last a low murmur ran through the crowd. The child with the evil spirit was being brought in, and “Zia” Batdra caught a glimpse of her. The wasted little body was clad entirely...

Two Miracles part 5

The mass began. Every one arose. The heat was intense, and the anticipation of the approaching ceremony held all spellbound.Batora alone was not absorbed by it. Her face was white and her eyes feverish,...

Two Miracles part 4

In contrast with all this solemnity, the frivolous minded were indulging in one of their native dances, the “duru-duru,” on the opposite side of the square. The merriment was at its height in spite...

Two Miracles part 3

She had made her will in favor of the Church of the Miracles, and day and night besought the merciful Madonna to give her peace, but, as always, in vain.Eighteen months after the lamentable...

Two Miracles part 2

Batora`s house, with its carved wooden balconies, commanding a view of the church, stood out against the clear horizon in the ruddy September sunset, like the painted landscape in the background of the picture...

Two Miracles part 1

Grazia Deledda (1871-1936)Born in Sardinia in 1871, Grazia Deledda achieved conspicuous success in her novels and stories, which are for the most part concerned with the folk of her native Island. She wrote unaffectedly...

Maese Pfirez the Organist part 11

“Nonsense, sister! Banish these fancies with which the adversary endeavors to overturn weak imaginations. Address a Paternoster and an Ave Marie to the archangel, Saint Michael, the captain of the celestial hosts, that he...

Bulgaria private tours


Turkish Tea


The Story in it part 1


Mausoleums of Brusa