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John of Damascus part 7

It is extremely unsatisfactory from the standpoint of historical criticism. An exasperating lack of detail, a pronounced legendary tendency, and a turgid style are...

John of Damascus part 6

Often, doubtless, when we have not the Lord’s passion in mind and see the image of Christ’s crucifixion, His saving passion is brought back...

John of Damascus part 5

From The Fount of WisdomBut since some find fault with us for worshipping and honouring the image of our Saviour and that of our...

John of Damascus part 4

As it was answered to Moses, when he was to finish the tabernacle: “See” (He says), “that thou make all things according to the...

John of Damascus part 3

Either, therefore, take away images altogether and be out of harmony with God ,who made these regulations, or receive them with the language and...

John of Damascus part 2

Holy Scripture clothes in figure God and the angels, and the same holy man (Blessed Denis) explains why. When sensible things sufficiently render what...

John of Damascus part 1

John of Damascus: In Defense of Icons, c. 730The Iconoclastic controversy lasted from 726, when Emperor Leo III (717-741) began an attack on the...

Bulgaria Vacations

Khans, Tzars, Orpheus, Spartacus, Thracians, Levski, Botev … All of them start with capital `B` for Bulgaria. These are also the places that you...

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Since antiquity different tribes and peoples have inhabited the territory of Bulgaria. The country`s many ancient settlements and burial mounds are a proof of...

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Bulgaria is one of the best places you can visit and really enjoy. It`s a small country but profoundly rich in history and amazing...

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